Our Journey
Time Stamps
Year 2021 (The Beginning)
-August 13th (Started up First Crayfish tank)
-September 4th (Started up my first 10 Gallon Nano)
-September 4th (Learned the importance of cycling tanks)
-September 24 (First Marine Fish)
-October 31st (First Coral)
-November 24th (Started up 65 Gallon Bow Front)
-November 26th (First Designer Clownfish)
-November 28th (First Frag Rack)
Year 2022 (Lessons Learned)
-January 8th (Learned Chocolate Chip sea starts are not reef safe)
-January 10th (Added designer clownfish to 65G bow front)
-January 16th (Learned not to add urchins in new tanks)
-January 17th (Lost designer clownfish due to over feeding)
-January 17th (Got my first LTA, Got Snow storm clownfish, Learned about drip acclimation)
-January 22nd (Lost LTA due to ammonia spike)
-January 22nd (First big load of corals)
-January 23rd (Learned about the importance of water changes in alage battles)
-February 18th (Learned the importance of clean up crews)
-February 19th (First chromis group)
-February 26th (Learned the importance of bio media in the sump)
-March 5th (Lost chromis school due to aggression)
-March 14th (Added 6 more chromis to the group)
-April 13th (First Bubble tip anemone, Added pepermit shrimp for aptisia)
-April 18th (Lost acros and montis in 65G due to lack of care)
-April 26th (Filled 10G nano with corals, Start of coral addiction)
-April 29th (Got hanna test kits, learned the importance of water parameters)
-May 1th (Started 10 gallon frag tank)
-May 14th (lost more corals due to lack of correct flow and lighting)
-May 20th (Lost chromis school in 65G due to over feeding)
-May 22nd (Got more RBTA for the 65G)
-May 31st (Snow Storm Clown hosted rbta)
-June 4th (Got more RBTA)
-June 7th (Got first hammers for 65G)
-June 10th (Got even more RBTA, Lost 2 RBTA)
-June 17th (Got Brittle Star got 65G)
-June 22nd (Started Cunzo nano tank)
-June 23rd (First 6-line wrasse for 65G)
-June 26th (First Tang(Scopas) for 65G)
-June 27th (Got a giant Green bubble tip anemone, lost 6-line for unknown reason)
-June 29th (Clownfish enjoying all the anemones)
-July 13th (Alk Drop, Lost many anemones)
-July 18th (Recorded first anemone splitting)
-July 19th (Moved 180G off a highrise)
-July 24th (Started new 180G, Transfered livestock from 65G to 180G, Lost 3 fish)
-July 26th (Lost majority of anemones due to parameter changes)
-August 6th (Got mated Diamond goby pair)
-August 11th (Got a new 6-line wrasse, Learned the importance of seaweed for tangs)
-August 14th (Big load of corals at reefapoloza)
-August 17th (Added some beginner corals to 10 gallon frag)
-August 25th (Lost clam, Lost acros, Added Atlantic Blue tang)
-September 1st (Learned not to put corals within a 1 foot radius of galaxia coral)
-September 19th (Learned 6-line and dottybacks don't get along)
-October 12th (Added Halloween hermit to 180G)
-October 29th (Started chromis school by adding 20 at once to 180G)
-October 31st (Added 2 Female Lyertail Anthias to 180G)
-November 1st (Added Urchin for algae control to 180G)
-November 21st (Added 2 cleaner shrimp to 180G
-December 4th Added Doctor Tang to 180G)
-December 9th (Lost Spider sponge due to lack of phyto feeding)
-December 10th (Transferred corals from 10G frag to 180G)
-December 11th (Added blue hippo, added naso, added sailfin tang, added one spot foxface,
-December 13th (Lost atlantic blue to aggression and ick)
-December 22nd (Transferred corals from 10G to 180G, Set up established 25 gallon AIO with nice corals)
-December 25th (Shut down crawfish tank and 10G nano to make room)
-December 26th (Lost Naso, Started System 2 with 60 gallon frag tank, Loads of corals added from transfer)
-December 30th (Lost 60% of corals in S2 due to lack of bio media, Cycle crash in S2)
Year 2023 (Building blocks)
Coming Soon....
Year 2024 (Coming Soon)
Coming Soon....